Здесь представлены благодарности и отзывы о лечении в Израиле наших пациентов, отзывы о клиниках Израиля, отзывы о врачах Израиля, а также истории пациентов, включая найденные в Интернете.
$nobg_entry_wrapper = ($cpt_inside_listing == 'testimonials') ? 'nobg-entry-wrapper' : '';
// if listing doesn't have parents (level 0) we return all the posts of called CPT. It it has we return post related posts of called CPT
$which = (!$post->post_parent) ? 'all' : 'post';
$get_func_name = 'get_' . $cpt_inside_listing;
if(function_exists($get_func_name)) {
echo $get_func_name($which, true);
} else {
echo 'Check $get_related_func_name in ' . TEMPLATEPATH . '/inc/listing-content.php';
/* if($cpt_inside_listing == 'doctors') {
echo '';
} */ ?>
/* if($cpt_inside_listing == 'clinics') {
echo '';
} */ ?>
if(!isset($cpt_inside_listing)) {
echo 'Parent filename haven\'t been passed! Do it!';
// don't show testimonials and comment_form on (cpt) listings of news and doctors
if($cpt_inside_listing != 'news' &&
$cpt_inside_listing != 'doctors') comments_template( '', true ); ?>
if(!is_single(1962)) { // /thank-you-virtual-spirit page which shouldn't contain this tag to count leads correctly https://www.virtualspirits.com/view_agentsettings-analytics.aspx ?>
} ?>